Week 4 — Silence in my head…


week 4 and counting.

Busy week, with plenty of things to do: travels, family, work, visits etc. Tough to keep up with all the excercise, but my commitment to the course and to my new self stands strong.

Silence in my head, spreading slowly

I dont know if this is due to all the excercises, or simply because there is so much going on in my life — but I noticed that in my head there is more and more silence. Voices that typically have been telling me what to do or not to do — and in particular what might happen if I do or dont do stuff —  seem to slowly fade away.

Its strange and incredibly powerful at the same time.

The feeling of fear or insecurity I previously sometimes felt is slowly fading away, too. Giving up is trading up. I am more assertive and definitively taking more action than before – in the world within and thus also in the world without.

It is amazing to really think about this: when was the last time I dedicated so much of my time to thinking and consciously creating my future. Did I ever spend so much time thinking about it? Did you ever? Powerful, indeed. And good to pause from time to time to see where I am on my journey.

So where am I?

I notice more change in my habits. For instance following through on the service card and continuously celebrating my achievements makes me even more proud about myself. That helped me discover that I had spend far to little time on celebrating my own successes lately – far to busy to already tackle the next step, or listening to others and myself pointing out what could be even better.  But not anymore… in order to give I must receive.

I must receive freedom to give freedom.

5 thoughts on “Week 4 — Silence in my head…

  1. I really like this post, Michael. Little by little I’m getting more completely silent. Other things pop in, but not really negative. When they do, I direct my mind to desiring the “flow” of Universe to my “I”. Does that count as thinking? haha


  2. Now that you mention the silence and the reduction of fear, Michael, I reflect and observe the same things in my own life – you’re so right, sometimes we move so fast that we don’t notice what’s happening inside ourselves. Thanks for helping me see this important truth of what MKMMA is doing for us! So glad you’re on this journey with us!


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